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Alfred is a calorie-counting service designed to make long-term weight loss easier. Alfred, created by Ben in response to his struggles with health, stands out as an approachable option for the common person. They assist individuals in adopting better eating habits without the painful work of obsessive calorie tracking. Alfred makes the tried-and-true method of calorie counting not only effective but also simple.


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Create an intuitive navigation as the foundation for Alfred's functional base
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Make the Alfred mobile app a versatile companion for users by implementing a responsive design to ensure optimal performance across platforms
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Produce a better digital interface that includes meal sharing, nutritional data, and personalized suggestions
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Providing a visually appealing and streamlined experience that promotes long-term engagement and ease of use
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Create a custom and simple interface with the aim of a smooth transition to digital procedures

Phase 1


In the initial phase of Alfred's development, we laid the foundation with a meticulous wireframe. This wireframe serves as a blueprint, detailing the mobile app's logical flow and structure. Our priority was functionality, anticipating user needs, and providing a straightforward navigating experience. The wireframe is the foundation for a user-centric design that simplifies the nutrition tracking procedure. Cubit consequently planned how users would interact with the app and how we could differentiate Alfred through our mobile app custom development.

Phase 2


For Headlines

Bebas Neue

For SubHeadlines

Helvetica Neue
Counting calories works, but it's too hard. Alfred makes it easy.

Alfred underwent a visual transformation during the style phase to create an engaging and pleasing user experience. Cubit created a distinct appearance and feel that appeals to our users. The design is visually engaging, with a pleasing color palette and enticing design components. The goal was to develop a professional yet approachable environment that reflected Alfred's commitment to making nutrition tracking not only effective but also refreshing. The style phase captures the essence of simplicity and sophistication, improving the user experience overall.

Phase 3

Bringing it all together

Alfred's improved digital interface combines the logical structure of the wireframe with the visually appealing style. The app altogether has an elegant user interface that allows users to easily navigate through meal sharing, nutritional insights, and customized recommendations. Alfred's responsive design eventually ensures maximum performance across multiple platforms, making it a versatile companion for users. The style and functionality of an Alfred mobile app are more than just a tool, and also a partner on the path to healthier eating.  Cubit eventually provided Alfred with advanced mobile app custom development.